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Benedikt Lorenz,

VP Sales at bao

“Welcomy plays a significant role in managing our partners and providing a unique experience for our customers... grow partnership sales, .....streamline our partnership sales ”

24  new partners aquired

Steve Mc Quillen,

Founder & CEO

“Throughout my early career a developer and product haveing manager, passionate, and customer-centric people to create customer experiences at the level it can and should potential over histories digital”

300 user signups

Steve Mc Quillen,

Founder & CEO

“Throughout my early career a developer and product haveing manager, passionate, and customer-centric people to create customer experiences at the level it can and should potential over histories digital”

29$ user signups

Steve Mc Quillen,

Founder & CEO

“Throughout my early career a developer and product haveing manager, passionate, and customer-centric people to create customer experiences at the level it can and should potential over histories digital”

42% user signups