Empowering businesses to manage CX properly.

Space, a complete solution for businesses looking to build professional website.

We have raised 10.4M of funndings from the leaders

We have raised 10.4M of funndings from the leaders

Be bold. Be better explore your potential

Impacting peoples lives

Space, a complete solution for businesses looking to build.

Growth focused team

Space, a complete solution for businesses looking to build.

Belived in team work

Space, a complete solution for businesses looking to build.

We are friend fast

Space, a complete solution for businesses looking to build.

Our growth jounery

Space, a complete solution for businesses looking to build professional website.

Company founded with 3 people


Company founded with 3 people


Company founded with 3 people


Company founded with 3 people


Team of talented folk on the mission

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

Founder & CEO

Jonathon Marics

We are hiring

Space, a complete solution for businesses looking to build professional website.